Why Your Website Needs a Broken Link Check?

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Broken links are a common issue on websites of all sizes. They can negatively affect user experience and have a significant impact on search engine optimization (SEO). A broken link is a hyperlink that no longer works, either because the website it is linking to has been removed, moved, or changed its URL. When a user clicks on a broken link, they will receive a 404 error message, which is frustrating and may cause them to leave your website.

If your website has a significant number of broken links, it can have a negative impact on your website’s overall quality and credibility. It can also have an adverse effect on your SEO, as search engines will consider broken links as a signal of poor website quality. This can cause your website to rank lower in search engine results pages (SERPs), which can result in lower traffic and fewer conversions.

The good news is that there is a simple solution to this problem: using a broken link checker. In this article, we will explore why your website needs a broken link checker and how it can help improve your website’s user experience and SEO.

What is a Broken Link Checker?

Broken Link Check
Image Form:https://www.seoptimer.com/blog/broken-links/

A broken link checker is a tool that can scan your website and identify any broken links. The tool will check all the hyperlinks on your website and highlight any links that are no longer working. Broken link checkers can be used to scan internal links within your website, as well as external links that point to other websites.

There are several free and paid broken link checker tools available, including Google Search Console, W3C Link Checker, Broken Link Checker by Ahrefs, and Xenu’s Link Sleuth. Each of these tools has its unique features, and the right one for you will depend on your needs and budget.

Why Your Website Needs a Broken Link Checker

Now that we understand what a broken link checker is let’s look at why your website needs one.

Improved User Experience

User experience (UX) is critical to the success of your website. Broken links can be frustrating for users, as they can prevent them from accessing the information they need. If a user encounters a broken link on your website, they may assume that your website is outdated or unreliable and leave without exploring further.

A broken link checker can help improve user experience on your website by identifying broken links and allowing you to fix them quickly. This will ensure that your users can access the information they need and have a positive experience on your website.

Better SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). One of the key factors that search engines consider when ranking websites is the quality of the website’s content and user experience.

As we have already seen, broken links can have a negative impact on user experience. This can cause search engines to consider your website as low quality, which can affect your ranking in search results.

A broken link checker can help improve your website’s SEO by identifying and fixing broken links on your website. This will ensure that your website is seen as high quality by search engines, which can help improve your ranking in search results.

Improved Website Credibility

Website credibility is essential to building trust with your audience. If your website has broken links, it can negatively impact your credibility and make users less likely to trust your website.

A broken link checker can help improve your website’s credibility by identifying and fixing broken links on your website. This will ensure that your website is seen as reliable and up-to-date, which can help build trust with your audience.


Manually checking all the links on your website can be a time-consuming process, especially if you have a large website. A broken link checker can help save you time from Teckshop is incredibly easy to use, even for those who are not technically savvy. The tool is designed to be user-friendly, with a simple interface that makes it easy to understand and navigate.

Comprehensive Reporting:

The Broken Link Checker by Teckshop provides a comprehensive report that includes all broken links found on a website. This report can be used to identify trends and patterns in broken links, allowing website owners to take a more strategic approach to fixing these issues.

Automatic Scanning:

Website owners can set up the Broken Link Checker by Teckshop to automatically scan their site on a regular basis. This ensures that broken links are identified and fixed in a timely manner, without requiring manual intervention.

Supports Multiple Platforms:

The Broken Link Checker byTeckshop supports a variety of platforms, including WordPress, Shopify, and Joomla. This makes it a versatile tool that can be used on a wide range of websites.

Tips for Using the Broken Link Checker by Teckshop

While the Broken Link Checker by Teckshop is a powerful tool, there are a few tips that can help website owners get the most out of it. Some of these tips include:

  1. Scan Your Site Regularly: Broken links can appear at any time, so it’s important to scan your site on a regular basis. By setting up automatic scans, you can ensure that your site is always up-to-date and free of broken links.
  2. Prioritize Fixing External Links: While internal links are important, broken external links can have a greater impact on your website’s search engine rankings. Prioritize fixing these links to improve your site’s overall visibility.
  3. Review the Report Carefully: The report generated by the Broken Link Checker by Teckshop can provide valuable insights into your website’s overall performance. Take the time to review the report carefully and identify any patterns or trends in broken links.
  4. Use the Report to Optimize Your Site: The Broken Link Checker by Teckshop report can also be used to identify areas of your site that may need optimization. Use the information provided in the report to make changes that will improve your site’s overall performance.
  5. Monitor Your Site’s Performance: Once you have fixed broken links on your site, it’s important to monitor its performance over time. This will allow you to identify any new issues that may arise and address them quickly.


The Broken Link Checker by Teckshop is a powerful tool that can help website owners identify and fix broken links on their pages. By improving the user experience and search engine rankings of a website, this tool can have a significant impact on a website’s overall success. With its easy-to-use interface, comprehensive reporting, and automatic scanning capabilities, the Broken Link Checker by Teckshop is a must-have tool for website owners of all sizes. So, give it a try and start optimizing your website today!

Hello Visitor, Laba here. A professional Web Developer and WordPress expert with 3+ years of experience. I have built 200+ websites in WordPress.

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